Please select your payment method
New Account
To pay by e-transfer, please follow the instructions below.
First: send an e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it...
- Options are
1 Month = $22.00
3 Month = $60.00
6 Months = $115.00
12 Months = $230.00
Bundle = $300.00
In the e-transfer message area enter
(Your name and email), I have sent a renewal form with the required info.
Second: copy and paste the following (adding appropriate information), email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
New Account_______
Email Address:
*MAC (if needed): 00:1A:79:____:____:____
First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number Optional):
Address (Optional):
*If you use a Set Top Box (IPTV box), you will need to supply that number its MAC number.
If you are using an Android box with STB Emulator, a MAC will be assigned (99% of users use an Android box with STB Emulator, a free app provided HERE!) (If your browser displays garblegoop or code, usually only Google Chrome does this, use another browser to download the file like Firefox.) Or search for 'STB Emulator' on the Google Play Store and download the free version.)
The purpose is to help me find and credit the correct account quickly. The e-transfers that come from the bank only show the senders name for example; John Smith. If I have more than one John Smith, I would have to email all to find out who was the correct sender. This way, there is little chance for error. Did you know that you do not have to wait until the last day of your subscription to renew? When you renew early, you will not lose any time off of your subscription, the new time would just be added.
I have no control over any of the content shown with IPTV.
Channels can be added or taken away at any time.
Channels are subject to change without notice.
The servers have a 99.9% uptime however the server can go down at any time.
All sales are final.
Renew Subscription
To pay by e-transfer, please follow the instructions below.
First: send an e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it...
- Options are
1 Month = $22.00
3 Months = $60.00
6 Months = $115.00
12 Months = $230.00
In the e-transfer message area enter
(Your name and email), I have sent a renewal form with the required info.
Second: copy and paste the following (adding appropriate information), and email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Renew Account________
Email Address (of account holder):
MAC to re-new (Not needed if you have more than 1 account): 00:1A:79:____:____:____
First Name (of account holder):
Last Name (of account holder):
Phone Number Optional):
Address (Optional):
The purpose is to help me find and credit the correct account quickly. The e-transfers that come from the bank only show the senders name for example; John Smith. If I have more than one John Smith, I would have to email all to find out who was the correct sender. This way, there is little chance for error. Did you know that you do not have to wait until the last day of your subscription to renew? When you renew early, you will not lose any time off of your subscription, the new time would just be added.
I have no control over any of the content shown with IPTV.
Channels can be added or taken away at any time.
Channels are subject to change without notice.
The servers have a 99.9% uptime however the server can go down at any time.